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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the questions most frequently received by Pxp-cancelcontract teams, by email or telephone.

If we have not answered all of your questions, you can reach us by telephone on 03 308 084 886, by email [email protected], or via our contact page.

If you see a transaction in the name of Pxt-cancelcontract or Cancelcontract.uk on your bank statement, there is only one explanation. You have taken out a subscription with Cancelcontract.uk and this has resulted in a debit from your bank account. You can contact one of our Pxt-cancelcontract advisers to obtain more information on your subscription status and receive assistance.

Our main objective is to facilitate the process of cancelling your Cancelcontract.uk subscription. All you have to do is go to our cancellation page and follow the instructions from the Pxp-cancelcontract advisers. In particular, you will need to enter the email address you used to open your account, then your subscription to Pxp-cancelcontract will be automatically cancelled.

Yes, Cancelcontract has secure payment interfaces with the SSL certificate associated with the HTTPS protocol. SSL data encryption guarantees security for your private banking data during the payment process.

The service offered by Pxt-cancelcontract advisers is constantly being improved and all the teams do their utmost to keep waiting time to a minimum. Our advisers are always available and at your disposal, so you can contact them by email, phone or via our contact page. You will receive an answer within a maximum of 48 hours.